▶ 포타미드 (FORTAMID)
- 아라미드 섬유 (Aramid textiles for industrial application) / 브레이크라이닝 /
- 클러치 (brake lining and clutch facing) 등 Dref core and sheath spinning process에 의한 다양한 고급 제품 공급
▶ 클러치 섬유 (Clutch Yarns)
- 섬유 종류 (Fiber choice) : Glass, aramid, pre-oxidised acrylic, viscose, acrylic등
- 섬유 형태 (Yarn type) : Conventional, texturised, Dref(core/sheath),
- wrap spun, single/plied 섬유
- 섬유 규격 (Count range) : (Tex g/1000m nominal) 200-2000 singles, up to 10 piles
- 혼합금속선 (Wire inclusions) : copper, brass, zinc, stainless steel, inconel
▶ 브레이크 라이닝 (Woven brake linings)
- 섬유 구조 (Fabric construction) : Single or multi-ply
- 섬유 무게 (Fabric weight) : (g/㎡ nominal) single ply : 200-2000, multi-ply : 3000-30000
- 섬유 직경 (Fabric thickness) : (mm nominal) up to 30mm
- 섬유 폭 (Fabric width) : (cm nominal) Single ply : 100, multi-ply : 20-66